==== Yamagi Quake II Initialized ==== ************************************* -------- game initialization ------- Loading library: game.so Game is starting up. Game is baseq2 built on Jan 1 1980. ------------------------------------ ------- server initialization ------ 0 entities inhibited. 1 teams with 2 entities. ------------------------------------ Rcon from []:54457: rcon hey serverinfo Bad rcon from []:63441: rcon heyserverinfoo Bad rcon from []:51111: rcon heyserverinfoo Rcon from []:61064: rcon hey serverinfo Timelimit hit. Rcon from []:56497: rcon hey map q2dm3o ==== ShutdownGame ==== -------- game initialization ------- Loading library: game.so Game is starting up. Game is baseq2 built on Jan 1 1980. ------------------------------------ ------- server initialization ------ 0 entities inhibited. 0 teams with 0 entities. ------------------------------------ Rcon from []:51177: rcon hey map q2dm3o Rcon from []:51054: rcon hey serverinfo Timelimit hit. Rcon from []:64379: rcon hey serverinfo Bad rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:50705: rcon monkeyturds serverinfo Bad rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:38791: rcon monkeyturds serverinfo Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:49776: rcon monkeyturds serverinfo adr0 "localhost" adr1 "" adr2 "" adr3 "" adr4 "" adr5 "" adr6 "" adr7 "" adr8 "" * aimfix "0" al_device "" al_driver "libopenal.so.1" * allow_download "1" * allow_download_maps "1" * allow_download_models "1" * allow_download_players "0" * allow_download_sounds "1" - basedir "." bob_pitch "0.002" bob_roll "0.002" bob_up "0.005" busywait "1" - cddir "" cfg_unbindall "1" SL cheats "0" cl_async "1" cl_gun "2" cl_http_downloads "1" cl_libcurl "/nix/store/1r27m3xlzpymk47dm95cjf1cgn4vn91l-curl-7.83.1/lib/libcurl.so" cl_limitsparksounds "0" cl_loadpaused "1" * cl_maxfps "60" cl_r1q2_lightstyle "1" cl_run "1" cl_showfps "0" cl_vwep "1" SL coop "0" * coop_elevator_delay "1.0" * coop_pickup_weapons "1" crosshair "1" crosshair_3d "0" crosshair_3d_glow "0" crosshair_scale "-1" SL deathmatch "1" - dedicated "1" developer "0" S dmflags "16" exponential_speedup "0" filterban "1" fixedtime "0" flood_msgs "4" flood_persecond "4" flood_waitdelay "10" fov "90" S fraglimit "40" freelook "1" fs_debug "0" * g_commanderbody_nogod "0" g_fix_triggered "0" * g_footsteps "1" * g_machinegun_norecoil "0" * g_select_empty "0" SL game "" SL gamedate "Jan 1 1980" SL gamename "baseq2" gender "male" gender_auto "1" gl1_stereo "0" gl1_stereo_convergence "1" gl1_stereo_separation "-0.4" gl3_intensity "1.5" gl3_intensity_2D "1.5" gl3_libgl "" gl3_overbrightbits "1.3" gl3_particle_fade_factor "1.2" gl3_particle_size "40" gl3_particle_square "0" gl3_usebigvbo "-1" gl_finish "0" gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" gun_x "0" gun_y "0" gun_z "0" hand "0" horplus "1" * S hostname "adamflott.com" in_grab "2" - ip "localhost" joy_axis_leftx "sidemove" joy_axis_leftx_threshold "0.15" joy_axis_lefty "forwardmove" joy_axis_lefty_threshold "0.15" joy_axis_rightx "yaw" joy_axis_rightx_threshold "0.15" joy_axis_righty "pitch" joy_axis_righty_threshold "0.15" joy_axis_triggerleft "triggerleft" joy_axis_triggerleft_threshold "0.15" joy_axis_triggerright "triggerright" joy_axis_triggerright_threshold "0.15" joy_expo "2.0" joy_forwardsensitivity "1.0" joy_haptic_magnitude "0.0" joy_pitchsensitivity "1.0" joy_sidesensitivity "1.0" joy_upsensitivity "1.0" joy_yawsensitivity "1.0" * logfile "1" lookspring "0" lookstrafe "0" m_filter "0" m_forward "1" m_pitch "0.022" m_side "0.8" m_up "1" m_yaw "0.022" map_noareas "0" S- mapname "q2dm3" SL maxclients "12" L maxentities "1024" S maxspectators "4" modder "0" msg "1" - multicast "NULL" name "Player" S needpass "0" nextdemo "" nextserver "" ogg_enable "1" ogg_ignoretrack0 "0" ogg_shuffle "0" ogg_volume "0.7" U password "" paused "0" - port "27910" S- protocol "34" public "0" - qport "44324" r_2D_unfiltered "0" r_anisotropic "8" r_consolescale "-1" r_customheight "1024" r_customwidth "1024" r_farsee "0" r_fixsurfsky "0" r_gunfov "80" r_hudscale "-1" r_menuscale "-1" r_mode "29" r_modulate "1" r_msaa_samples "0" r_retexturing "1" r_scale8bittextures "0" r_shadows "0" r_vsync "1" rate "8000" rcon_password "monkeyturds" run_pitch "0.002" run_roll "0.005" s_doppler "1" s_khz "44" s_loadas8bit "0" s_mixahead "0.14" s_openal "1" s_ps_sorting "1" s_sdldriver "alsa" s_underwater "1" s_underwater_gain_hf "0.25" s_volume "0.7" sensitivity "11" showclamp "0" showdrop "0" showpackets "0" SL singleplayer "0" L skill "1" skin "male/grunt" sndbits "16" sndchannels "2" U spectator_password "" L sv_airaccelerate "0" sv_downloadserver "" sv_enforcetime "0" * sv_entfile "1" sv_gravity "800" sv_maplist "" sv_maxvelocity "2000" sv_noreload "0" sv_rollangle "2" sv_rollspeed "200" timedemo "0" S timelimit "15" timeout "125" timescale "1" S- version "8.01 x86_64 Jan 1 1980 Linux" vid_displayindex "0" vid_displayrefreshrate "-1" vid_fullscreen "0" vid_gamma "1" vid_maxfps "95" vid_rate "-1" vid_renderer "gl3" viewsize "100" website "http://www.adamflott.com" win_noalttab "0" windowed_mouse "0" zombietime "2" 206 cvars "hostname" is "adamflott.com" Server info settings: cheats 0 coop 0 deathmatch 1 dmflags 16 fraglimit 40 gamedate Jan 1 1980 gamename baseq2 hostname adamflott.com mapname q2dm3 maxclients 12 maxspectators 4 needpass 0 protocol 34 singleplayer 0 timelimit 15 version 8.01 x86_64 Jan 1 1980 Linux "ip" is "localhost" "needpass" is "0" "password" is "" adam connected adam entered the game ------- server initialization ------ ******************** ERROR: Couldn't load maps/.bsp ******************** ==== ShutdownGame ==== -------- game initialization ------- Loading library: game.so Game is starting up. Game is baseq2 built on Jan 1 1980. ------------------------------------ ------- server initialization ------ 0 entities inhibited. 0 teams with 0 entities. ------------------------------------ adam connected adam entered the game adam disconnected map : q2dm7 num score ping name lastmsg address qport --- ----- ---- --------------- ------- --------------------- ------ map : q2dm7 num score ping name lastmsg address qport --- ----- ---- --------------- ------- --------------------- ------ adam connected adam entered the game map : q2dm7 num score ping name lastmsg address qport --- ----- ---- --------------- ------- --------------------- ------ 0 0 32 adam 0 [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:3886765196 adam disconnected Timelimit hit. Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:42477: rcon monkeyturds status[ 58 55 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:44459: rcon monkeyturds status[ 58 55 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:37261: rcon monkeyturds status[ 58 55 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:54845: rcon monkeyturds status[ 58 55 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:53539: rcon monkeyturds map q2dm58 55 adam connected adam entered the game Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:37020: rcon monkeyturds map q2dm6\hand\0\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 adam connected adam entered the game Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:58032: rcon monkeyturds status[ e\hand\0\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 adam: adfdf Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:39605: rcon monkeyturds status[ ] adam disconnected Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:52529: rcon monkeyturds status[ e\hand\0\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:40608: rcon monkeyturds status[ e\hand\0\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:36875: rcon monkeyturds set fraglimit 10\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:54085: rcon monkeyturds set fraglimit 10\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:41310: rcon monkeyturds set fraglimit 10\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Timelimit hit. Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:38287: rcon monkeyturds set fraglimit 10\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:57964: rcon monkeyturds set fraglimit 10\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 "fraglimit" is "10" Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:58966: rcon monkeyturds set fraglimit 11\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 "fraglimit" is "11" Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:596e:c3e6:b70f:966c]:50938: rcon monkeyturds fraglimitimit 11\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:46f6:8742:74da:44fe]:36792: rcon monkeyturds statusmitimit 11\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 Rcon from [2601:18d:4a7f:1e21:6d9:f5ff:fe7c:61d]:52392: rcon monkeyturds statusmitimit 11\msg\1\name\adam\rate\8000\skin\male/grunt\spectator\0\windowed_mouse\0 ----------- shutting down ---------- ==== ShutdownGame ====